On this, the first installment of WW, I would like to reiterate the importance of avoiding the little minx I like to call HANGER. No, not pronounced like a coat hanger or airplane hangar. We're talking the combination between Hunger and Anger. Hard "G" sound. HanGer. Folks, today I got Hangry. Heaven help us all. It was not a pretty picture. I was hot mess. It was 3pm before I ate lunch (yikes), and for about 4 hours before that I was dealing with a new phone activation disaster and a frustrating work meeting. I mean what? That would have raised my blood pressure by a couple notches even properly nourished, let alone ravenous.
Sooooo, long story short - why do I do this to myself? Pack a freakin' Luna Bar! A banana! Anything! Let my temper tantrum be a lesson to you. Ok, it wasn't a temper tantrum. But it also wasn't cute. You get it. Stay nourished throughout the day. Snacking is important. Maybe not snacking on Doritos*, but maybe some almonds? Fruit? Trail mix (without strategically planning your handfuls around the chocolate chips... yeah right)? Celery sticks and/or carrots dipped in a mixture of plain 0% greek yogurt and Hidden Valley ranch seasoning (you're welcome)? Find something that suits you and your preferences and dietary needs and make it happen! "They" say you should eat breakfast within one hour of waking up, have a small snack a couple hours later, lunch a couple hours after that, dinner, etc. etc. Depending on when you eat your main meals. Trying to avoid going longer than 4 hours between meals. It can be easier said than done, but your brain and body and metabolism will thank you. Don't just take my word for it. My friends over at Self (yeah I know, suuuuper scholarly) would agree.
*If a magic fairy told me I could make one food calorie-free and healthy and eat as much of it as I wanted for the rest of my life because it's good for me, that food would be Doritos... now you know.
I'll tell you another thing that helps with just about every ailment, though.
Allen Stone. I swear to you, his voice puts me in a trance.
I forget where I am and who I am (well ok, not that)
and end up a puddle of mushy twitterpation.
So, whether you're hungry or angry or hangry or any way a person could be,
it would behoove you to feast your eyes and ears on this little piece of magic.
Don't see the video above? Click here.
Today's jam: Allen. We've been over this.