Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wellness Wednesday Walkin'

Did you know that today is National Walking Day?  Well it is!
Walking is such a healthy habit.
And one of my favorite pastimes.
Clears my mind.  Gets the blood flowin'.
Allows me to soak in some fresh air and Vitamin D.

And the best part is, I find it's just as therapeutic and cathartic all by my lonesome as it is with a companion.  There is a time and a place for both.

There's not a lot of daylight left for us Pacific Northwesterners, so lace up those sneaks tomorrow, folks!  Or grab a buddy and go for a darkish stroll now.  I for one walked to the grocery store to do my shopping this evening.  But before you do the same, heed my warning: Do not - I repeat - do NOT bring the largest tote bag you can find and fill it to the brim with things like a carton of eggs and a cantaloupe and grapes and vitamin water... I mean what?  Hello.  That was dumb.  But it's almost tank top season, so heyyohhh!  Extra arm workout for me.

Anyway, I just thought I would share that little tid-bit with you, because after all it is Wellness Wednesday!  Lucky me!  Such a wonderful opportunity for a both a blog topic and alliteration.

Happy walking, my people.

(Yeah, ouch.  Don't walk on broken glass.
In fact wear shoes.  For sure shoes.
But I mean the song's really fun.)

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