Friday, September 27, 2013

Road Rage.

[THREE posts in one month???  I'M ON FIRE!!!!!]

Alright.  This is a funny and random topic.  Road rage.  We've all been there (RIGHT?!  It's not just me???)  Believe it or not, I can be a MAJOR road rager.  Like, it's not pretty.  Granted I'm not one to get out of my car or flip anyone off (ever!) or roll down the window to scream obscenities.  Ok so maybe I'm not that bad!  That's good to know.  But it happens.  Some of my most notable/embarrassing/pathetic quotes include, "GET A LIFE!", "I FREAKING HATE YOU!", and "MAKE IT HAPPEN, IDIOT!"  Not to mention the fact that certain words that NEVER make it into my day-to-day conversations tend to make their way into the mix.  Uh oh!  

I'm not proud of it.  And on the rare occasions when I think the people at whom my anger is targeted have seen me, I immediately feel terrible.  Just awful.  I've shared this with friends before and many responses are the same... "You seem pretty even-keel, I never would have thought!" or "I don't think I've ever seen you mad at someone.  I bet it isn't as bad as you think."  To you doubters I say: Ohhhhh bless your generous hearts.  If only that were true.  But you're right, I don't think I've ever made my anger too obvious to the drivers I temporarily loathe.  

Here's the thing:  Losing your head in a weak moment can really impact someone in a big, BIG way.  Just like a simple smile can save the lives of people on the brink of life-threatening depression, a simple dirty look or expletive can leave a lasting, negative impression.  Take for example what happened to me this evening:  I had a bit of a rough day.  Tough meeting with a volunteer, things just not quite going my way, blah blah blah.  I'm over it.  Nothing a little pumpkin brew and tomato basil soup from Metropolitan Market can't fix!  But on my way home from Met Market, I passed a driver who was NOT my biggest fan.  We were on opposite sides of a 4-way stop and he forgot to signal that he wanted to turn left in front of me until the last second, so I started to move at the same time he did and I guess accidentally cut him off.  No harm done.  I stopped, he went, and all was well.  But not for him!  SHEESH, you'd think I had totaled his car.  As he turned to pass me, he very clearly, intentionally and distinctly yelled "B*TCH!!" and went on his not-so-merry way.  Ouch.  I realize this isn't a big deal, and I realize his opinion of me matters NOT AT ALL.  But after a long tough day, when all I wanted was to get home to my cold beer and hot soup, this wasn't very fun.  

I have heard a few stories of random acts of kindness lately, particularly in drive-thrus and coffee shops, and I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM.  What a novel idea!  Share some kindness and love without expecting any credit or gestures in return.  So the moral of the story is this:  Every day we have choices.  Jeans or capris?  Heels or flats?  Bagel or cereal?  Hot or iced?

Next time I'm throwing a road rage hissy fit, I'm going to find the nearest drive-thru and buy a treat for a stranger.  I really am!  Because it's just as easy to make a day as it is to ruin one, and I think acts of kindness hold the power to make two days at once.

The choice is ours.

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