Sunday, November 24, 2013

Really good news.

"Chasing meaning is better for your health than trying to avoid discomfort."  

Watch this video.  And then we'll talk.

TED strikes again, ladies and gentlemen.

This science changes things for anxious folks.  One of the most powerful tips I have ever been given about coping with stress and anxiety is to let myself feel the physiological feelings my body experiences in anxious moments.  Just let the feelings wash over me.  Acknowledge them.  Experience them.  Because they are JUST feelings.  And I don't always have to know why my body feels them.  There isn't always a good reason or something I should be worried about.  In fact most of the time - when I was feeling anxious often - it was just because of my serotonin and Mood Monsters.  

So knowing this, what Kelly McGonigal* talked about above, COMPLETELY CHANGES THINGS when it comes to our stress response!  I would LOVE to think of the "yucky" anxious feelings we all feel from time to time as my body preparing me for success!  So now I will.  And then maybe we can take those moments of I-feel-so-anxious-for-no-apparent-reason and turn them into "Hmmm I'm feeling pretty anxious... maybe that means I'm about to do something cool.  Or that I should go for a run.  Or go kick some a$$ at a Zumba class.  Or just say 'Hey body, we're all good here.  Save it for a time when I'm really going to need this preparation.'"  

Wow.  I think this changed my life.
And I hope it can do a little something for yours too.
Happy Sunday, everyone.  I hope you are relaxed and content.

*Her last name is McGonigal!!  I'm going to pretend like it's actually spelled McGonagall, and that her first name is actually Minerva.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

About Time

I saw About Time last night, the new(ish) movie starring Rachel McAdams, Bill Weasley Domhnall Gleeson, and Bill Nighy.  It was amazing.  I absolutely loved it.  In fact I haven't had such a strong reaction to a movie in a while.  I mean I don't think it's gotten any serious critical acclaim, and I don't know what Ebert and Roeper would say, but I don't care.  It really got me good.

And the main message, driven home in the moving final sequence of the film, couldn't be more appropriate or meaningful for us anxious-minded folks.  In my humble opinion, anyway.

So get after it!

(Because I'm mourning his elimination from The Voice last night.  I mean really!!!)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Who, me?

Hi readers (all 3 of you... ba-dum-CHHHH)!

I have something pretty exciting to share.  A little over a month ago, I attended an incredible event called Collide - a day for women.  Collide gatherings are held quarterly, at First Presbyterian Church in Bellingham, WA; the same building where I attended The INN (a college ministry) during my time at Western.  The INN is a beautiful place and so is Collide.  A wonderful day full of care and compassion and community for women of all ages.  After the last event, I felt compelled to share - via the contact cards provided - that I have been through a lot when it comes to anxiety and would be happy to chat with other women who might be struggling.  To share stories, validate feelings, etc.  

Well lo and behold, after communicating with the wonderful women who are the brains behind the Collide operation, I have been invited to share my story and experiences as a breakout session leader at the next event - this Saturday, November 16th!  

I am still kind of in shock.  But I am SO excited, so honored, and so looking forward to this amazing opportunity.  And would love for you to join me!  ... If you're a woman.  Sorry fellas.  I don't make the rules.  

Anyway, if you are interested in this event, CLICK HERE to register!  You don't have to pre-register to attend, but it is appreciated if possible.  Or if you have more questions, feel free to check out the Collide facebook page here or email me at :)  And did I mention it's FREE?!  What a deal!  If When you are uber impressed with the day and delicious lunch provided (!!!), there will be an opportunity to donate to the cause, should you feel so inclined.   

So here I sit (bet you can't guess where), trying to collect the millions of thoughts I've had about what I want to share since agreeing to speak.  Yikes.  Prayers, good vibes, and/or whatever good mojo you believe in are much appreciated!

I am pretty dang nervous, but I know it will be a great day.  Crazy how life happens, huh?  You just never know when the urge to write your name on a contact card could turn into an amazing opportunity.

Bye bye, love birds.
(I don't know... I'm running out of pet names for you)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

For it is in giving that we receive.

“I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy.
I woke and I saw that life is all service.
I served and I saw that service is joy.” 
                                            ― Kahlil Gibran

Hey losers.

Sorry, just kidding.  I was feeling feisty.  It's the beginning of the week.  Moving on...  

Remember this post from a month or so ago when we I discussed the remarkable impact of gratitude on our lives and well-being?  Well I love that idea.  And I hope you did too.  And if I may be so bold, today I would like to talk about something I feel has just as profound an impact.  And that is giving.  Now don't freak.  I don't mean giving money (necessarily).  Though, that is wonderful if you are able.  What I am referring to is giving of your time, energy, heart, passions.  A few months ago I decided that seeing as it is my job to coordinate, recruit, and retain volunteers, I should probably stop just "talking the talk" and start walking the walk.  That is, become a volunteer myself.  In management / coordinator / director positions, I think it's important to put ourselves on the other side of the training every once in a while and get an idea for what it's like to be in someone else's shoes.  It's here where we get to answer questions like, "How could I improve?"  "How long is too long to sit in a training?"  "How long is too long to wait for a call back after an interview?"  It's been a couple years since I've been on the other side of the interview table.  Not to mention the fact that I used to spend a LOT of time with sweet little, cute little kiddos in my college nanny life, and I miss their energy, spunk, and sense of humor!  There is a lot to be learned from the innocent, imaginative, unashamed mind of a child, and I find so much energy and inspiration in the adorable hilarity that comes from mouths of babes.

So it didn't take much brainstorming for me to figure out how I wanted to spend my volunteer time.  As a kid I was in and out of the hospital a few more times than my parents would like to remember (nothing life-threatening and by the grace of God I am fine today!), and one thing that made my stay(s) much more comfortable and eased the worries of my family was the presence of a Child Life department.  Certified Child Life Specialists and volunteers exist to make life easier for children and parents of children admitted to the hospital.  Whether it's for a few days after an appendectomy or for multiple rounds of chemotherapy, parents and children find so much comfort in a friendly face who will bring crayons and coloring books to Susie (why is it always Susie?) on a particularly rough day.  Soooo... duh.  I says to myself, "Self!  This is what you're doing."  And it's already changing my life.  I have witnessed and/or experienced astonishing strength, deep despair, quite a few sobs, and plenty of uncontrollable laughter (mostly my own).  It's a roller coaster every single day, but what gets me through is knowing that even if for only 5 minutes, perhaps I was able to distract a sweet little kiddo from his/her ever-present pain and fear.  And that's good enough for me.

This video was introduced to me a couple weeks ago and it might as well take place in the very hospital where I serve.  It's beautiful and powerful and adorable and you'll love it.

Giving is a powerful thing.  And the best part is, we can ALL do it!  Find what floats your boat and dive in!  Bringing joy and relief and comfort to people who need it is amazing and profound and so, so easy.  

And "through this having and giving and sharing and receiving,
we too can share... and love... and have... and receive."
- Joey Tribbiani