Sunday, April 7, 2013

We're only human.

So here's something funny.  I had a whole different idea for this week's post than what I'm about to share.  I've been thinking about it all weekend, in fact.  Crafting it in my head and thinking of all the hilarious and insightful things I'm going to say.  But then here's what happened:

(1)  I woke up at 9am this morning, you know, a good Sunday-Sleep-In.  Sometimes you gotta!  But this time I took it to the next level and thought, "I'll jusy lay here for a minute with my eyes closed before I actually get up."  Folks, that never works.  For me anyway.  There's no such thing as, "I'll just close my eyes and lay here for a minute and then get up."  No sirree.  So after my quick 10-more-minutes, I rolled over to look at my phone again and saw that it hadn't been 10 minutes.  It had in fact been TWO HOURS.  It was 11am.  WHAT THE?!  That doesn't happen to me very often anymore.  When I was a young high school student whippersnapper, I could sleep in until 11am on the weekends, no problem.  Make that noon.  Nothin to it!  But not lately!  So I HATED this.  Even though my body really needed it, most likely.  As I mentioned in my last post, I was sick this week.  And I'm pretty sure I'm experiencing allergies for the first time.  Wowsers am I ever sorry for you chronic allergy-sufferers out there, because this ain't right!  Anyway, it's probably good that I got a little more sleep.  But Anxious Andie didn't like that she had accidentally let a good chunk of a perfectly usable day go by.  So she was NOT amused.  Logical and sense-of-humor Andie kinda was though... 

(2)  Due to the accidental sleep-in, I woke up reallllly hungry and had breakfast (brunch) at 11am.  No problem.  That's fine.  Lounged around for a bit, cleaned, talked to Russ on the phone, ran some errands, you know.  Sunday stuff.

(3)  Decided to sit down and really dig into this new budgeting software that my parents told me about.  YIKES.  I mean it's great and the geeky part of me (so almost all of me) really likes stuff like that and crunching numbers and filling in forms and the like.  I know, CALM DOWN, right??  I can't be tamed.  But then I had a question and called my dad and he started to help me.  Like the great dad that he is.  But an interesting thing happened:  About 2 seconds into the call, I became incredibly, illogically, and SERIOUSLY impatient and annoyed.  And the thing is, my dad wasn't being annoying.  Nope.  He was being extremely helpful and patient, while I was being a beezy.  I mean I think I reined it in before things got too ugly, and my dad didn't seem to notice or think too much of it (probably because he's been the only male in a household of all women for 25 years, sooooo... this wasn't the first time).  But still, I was baffled by this!  Why is my blood boiling with impatience???  Why do I want to throw my hazelnut macchiato across the room??  What is wrong with meeeeeee?!

So here's what I realized.  First of all, my day started a little wonky when I slept so much later than I had planned.  Second, I haven't eaten since that 11am brunch.  WHOA.  That's bad news bears.  For me, there's "I could eat," "I'm hungry," "I'm really hungry," and "I'M HANGRY" (Thank you Kent Silver for introducing me to that term).  HANGRY.  Hungry + Angry.  And 8 hours without food is not a pretty sight for this girl.  It's really ugly in fact.  

And this realization got me thinking.  I've been reflecting a lot lately on all the things that I used to underestimate before I started getting control of my anxiety.  Meaning all the things that really impact me and my moods and anxiety levels that I always either tried to ignore or thought couldn't possibly be affecting me.  Well y'all, these things MATTER.  Getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods and enough of them, drinking water, getting exercise - these are not only for people who are trying to look like Jillian Michaels or training for a marathon.  These are things we all need!  And ladies, Aunt Flow is a nasty little minx.  She will curse you with mood swings and zits and what feels like 200 extra pounds and try to break you down and if you're feeling like crap, blame HER, not yourself.  I don't mean use her as an excuse to be a horrid awful moody beezy to everyone you know, but just realize that our bodies work in mysterious ways and if you're feeling extra anxious and upset and fat and zitty and gross, don't be too hard on yourself.  In a week or so you'll feel like a gorgeous goddess again (HA ok probably not, unfortunately, but just go with it) and all will be well again.

So the moral of the story is:  Don't underestimate the power of simple little daily needs and occurrences.  They can turn any kind, normal, even-tempered individual into the Incredible Hulk in no time flat.  Happens to the best of us.

 (... you have your coping mechanisms; I have mine...) 

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday evening, everyone.

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